Simonetta Armondi (PhD) is an associate professor of economic and political geography at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. She is the scientific coordinator of the Operational Geographies – RIBA research project. Her research interests are focused on: 1) space-making in urban and regional agendas; 2) operational landscapes and city-region economy. Among recent publications: S. Armondi, A. Balducci A., M. Bovo M., B. Galimberti (eds.) Cities Learning from a Pandemic: Towards Preparedness (Routledge, 2022); S. Armondi, S. De Gregorio Hurtado (eds.) Foregrounding Urban Agendas: The New Urban Issue in European Experiences of Policy Making (Springer Nature, 2020). She is editorial board member of the Journal of Urban Technology.
Fabrizia Berlingieri (PhD arch.) is an associate professor of architectural and urban design at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies.ipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani. Since 2020 she has been a member of the coordination group of the research project Fragilità Territoriali, (Territorial Fragilities) within the ministerial funding programme “Departments of Excellence 2018-2022.” Her main research topics concern: the interrelation between infrastructure and urbanisation; the study of contemporary design strategies for urban transition; and the relationship between architecture and the city.
Matteo Bolocan Goldstein (PhD) is an economic-political geographer and an urban planner. He obtained his PhD in Public territorial policies at the Department of Economic and Social Territorial Analysis of IUAV in Venice (1997). He is currently a Full Professor of Economic-Political Geography at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, teaching Economic geography and urban space and Critical Geopolitics at the School of Architecture, Urban Planning, Construction Engineering. He has written numerous papers in various scientific journals and is also the author and editor of several books. His public former appointments include: secretary of the Casa della Cultura in Milan (1996-2000); member of Fondazione Politecnico executive board (2011-2015). He is currently President of Centro Studi PIM Piano Intercomunale Milanese. (Milan Intermunicipality plan).
G. Bertrando Bonfantini (PhD) is a Full Professor of Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of Politecnico di Milano. He is editor-in-chief of the journal Territorio. after being deputy editor of Urbanistica. Dal 2017 dirige la rivista Territorio. He took part in the drafting of the plans for Bergamo Alta (2002-04) and Jesi (Ancona, 2003-06); he was a scientific advisory collaborator (2006-09) and co-responsible for the methodological advice (2018-19) of the latest municipal plans of Bologna. His research topics focus on planning techniques, the diachronic dimension of planning practical knowledge, and heritage in urban planning. Among his publications: Dentro l’urbanistica. Ricerca e progetto, tecniche e storia (FrancoAngeli,2017).
Stefano Di Vita (PhD) is a senior researcher in Urban Planning at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies. His research focuses on spatial dynamics of economic transition and trans-scalarity of town planning: from processes and projects of urban transformation, regeneration, repositioning, and rescaling, to connected strategies and tools of spatial planning. His latest books are “New Workplaces: Location Patterns, Urban Effects and Development Trajectories” (I. Mariotti, S. Di Vita, M. Akhavan, eds., Springer, 2021) and “Planning and Managing Smaller Events: Downsizing the Urban Spectacle” (S. Di Vita, M. Wilson, eds., Routledge, 2021).
Beatrice Galimberti is an architect and PhD student in Urban Planning, Design, and Policy at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano. Keen on innovative and transdisciplinary research, design and drawing methods, her research interests mainly focus on the scale of urban design, especially public space, and the role played by uncertainty in design processes. Together with Simonetta Armondi, Alessandro Balducci and Martina Bovo, she edited the volume Cities Learning from a Pandemic: Towards Preparedness (Routledge, in press).
Lucia La Giusa (PhD) is an architect and PhD in architectural and urban design. Until 2019, she was part of the research group Landscape_in Progress (Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria), working on “Paesaggi in Divenire“, that is, those landscapes under construction, often as a function of major works or major events that change and sometimes distort their existing connotations. In 2018, she participated in the Venice Biennale, exhibiting for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Pavilion. She has won numerous architecture competitions. She participates and tutors in national and international workshops and seminars. She currently works as a tutor at the Politecnico di Milano in design courses.
Giorgio Limonta is an urban planner. He does professional consulting activities for urban plans and advanced territorial analysis with GIS technology. Since 2005 he has been collaborating in the research activities of the URB&COM Laboratory (Urban Planning and Commerce) of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of the Politecnico di Milano, working on the organisation, management, and geographical analysis of data to support commercial planning at different scales of the territorial government.
Carlo Salone (PhD) is a full professor of Economic-Political Geography at the Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, Politecnico and Università di Torino, where he teaches Territorial, Urban and Regional Development and Regeneration and valorisation of urban cultural heritage. His main research interests focus on urban and regional development policies, regionalism, spatial transformations of the economic-productive structure of Northern Italy and the role of culture and art in the urban dimension.
Aberto Valz Gris (PhD) è assegnista di ricerca alis a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (Politecnico di Torino). He holds a PhD cum laude in Urban and Regional Development and a MSc in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Turin, as well as an MA in Fine Arts from the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam. His research interests intersect urban geography with urban political ecology and economic geography. His doctoral thesis focuses on the commodity chain of lithium as an investigation into the multiscalar geographies of urban decarbonization.
Mapping and Urban Data Lab
(DAStU, Politecnico di Milano) supports this research in statistical data analysis and area representation.
Some PhD, MSc and BA students collaborate/have collaborated in the research:
PhD students: Alberto Bortolotti (Urban Planning Design and Policy PhD Programme, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano) and Elia Silvestro ( Urban and Regional Development, Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino and University of Turin). MSc and BA students: Francesca Belmonte, Elisa Bettega, Federico Bossi, José Balam Enriquez Alatriste, Svetlana Nazaryan, Meri Pepanyan, Malika Turrini (Politecnico di Milano).