Contemporary production and urban regionalization

AISRe 2022 organised session 

We are pleased to coordinate an organised session of the annual scientific conference of the Italian Association of Regional Sciences (AISRe).The conference will take place at  Politecnico di Milano between 5 and 7 September 2022.   

The session is entitled ‘Contemporary production and urban regionalisation: spatial forms, scales, and strategies’, and the coordinators are Stefano Di Vita, Simonetta Armondi and Beatrice Galimberti.  

The session aims to update traditional analyses, develop international research networks, and explore case studies on the contributions of contemporary production (manufacturing, logistics, energy and mining) to definitions of urban regionalisation. Against the backdrop of post-pandemic recovery plans, focusing on operational geographies can provide a specific lens to test the territorial figures of productive city regions, reconsidering places, networks, disparities, boundaries, and transition strategies promoted by policy and spatial planning. 

“Contemporary production and urban regionalization: spatial forms, scales, and strategies”

Chairs: Stefano Di Vita, Simonetta Armondi e Beatrice Galimberti
Tuesday September 06th 2022
Politecnico di Milano, Room 3.1.8


2.00-3.30 p.m.

Eurallumina (2009 – present): a phantom peripheral factory with strong international ties
(Gloria Pessina)

La genesi di reti criminali in territori marginali ad alta concentrazione di capitali
(Nicola Cavallotti)

Oil refineries in Italy. Exploring networks and spaces of the oil landscape in the context of the energy transition
(Chiara Geroldi, Maria Aldera)

Operational geographies in Northern Italy. Disparities and challenges for spatial policy and planning
(Simonetta Armondi, Stefano Di Vita)


4.00-5.30 p.m.

Post-Pandemic Land Use Change: Housing, Working, and Commuting in the United States
(Mark Wilson)

‘Industrial reshuffling’ for blue collar work in new regional economies? Empirical notes on recent planning and policy experiments across metropolitan America
(Yonn Dierwechter)

Measurement of Employment Vulnerability of Migrant Workers in Germany
(Muhammed Bittaye)

URBiNAT multidimensional approach for the profiling of the deprived areas
(Anna Maria Bagnasco)